Enhance mental and emotional well-being
Depression often comes on gradually, making it difficult to notice something is wrong. Many people try to cope with their symptoms without realizing they're unwell. It can sometimes take a friend or family member to suggest something is wrong.
Here are some of the key psychological, physical, and social indicators of depression:
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
Low self-esteem
Feeling anxious or worried
Feeling bad about yourself or like a failure
Little motivation, interest, or joy in things
Moving & speaking slowly / being fidgety or restless
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Suicidal thoughts or self harm
Low energy
Changes in appetite
Low sex drive
Difficulty sleeping
Avoiding social activities and friends
Here are some ways therapy can help people with depression:
Understand the behaviours, emotions, thoughts, or situational events that are feeding into to the depression
Regain a sense of control and joy in life
Learn coping techniques, resiliency, assertiveness, communication, and problem-solving skills to forge ahead and reclaim your life